1000rds – 223 Rem Fiocchi 55gr. FMJBT Ammo


13 In stock

Fiocchi Ammunition 55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo Details

Do you have (A) a 223 Rem or 5.56x45 firearm, and (B) the intention to spend a lot of time at the range? Then you need (C) a whole case of 223 Rem ammunition by Fiocchi. The old Italian manufacturer’s Range Dynamics series ammo offers outstanding value to high-volume shooters, and it’s produced at Fiocchi’s factory in Ozark, MO!

This cartridge’s 55 grain bullet and 3,240 fps muzzle velocity are the 223’s two most popular specifications, so expect real familiar recoil and ballistic performance if you’re already accustomed to firing your AR-style rifle. The full metal jacket boat tail is nonmagnetic, yet it cannot deliver the terminal expansion that’s preferred for home defense and hunting applications. The bullet has a solid lead core, hard gilding metal jacket that averts deformation, and narrowing base which conserves downrange velocity to promote a flatter trajectory.

Fiocchi’s noncorrosive range and target ammo is loaded with new brass cases and Boxer primers – precisely what handloaders want. This ammo comes 50 rounds to a box, 20 boxes to a case.

Fiocchi Ammunition 223 Remington Ballistic Data

Fiocchi Ammunition 223 Remington Ammo Details

Barrel Length inches
Ballistics Coefficient (G1)
Ballistics Coefficient (G7)
Sectional Density
Muzzle 100 yds. 200 yds. 300 yds. 400 yds. 500 yds.
Velocity fps 3240 2837 2468 2128 1817 1540
Energy ft lbs 1282 983 744 553 403 290
Bullet drop inch -0.47 0 -2.9 -11.5 n/a n/a

Velocity / Energy Comparisons

Ammo Muzzle Velocity Muzzle Energy
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Federal Ammunition
2379 fps
694 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Fiocchi Ammunition
2298 fps
648.5 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Tula Ammo
3241 fps
1283 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) PMC Ammunition
2336.5 fps
669.5 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Hornady Ammunition
2298 fps
648.5 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Wolf Ammunition
3250 fps
1290 ft lbs
77 Grain Hollow Point Black Hills Ammunition
2175 fps
810.5 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Winchester Ammunition
2298 fps
648.5 ft lbs
62 Grain Hollow Point Tula Ammo
3025 fps
1260 ft lbs
50 Grain V-MAX Fiocchi Ammunition
2342.5 fps
612.5 ft lbs
40 Grain V-MAX Fiocchi Ammunition
2432 fps
529 ft lbs
55 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Federal Ammunition
2203 fps
597 ft lbs
75 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Speer
2234 fps
832.5 ft lbs
77 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Fiocchi Ammunition
2153 fps
794.5 ft lbs
62 Grain Fusion Federal Ammunition
2280.5 fps
718.5 ft lbs
75 Grain Hollow Point Wolf Ammunition
0 fps
0 ft lbs
55 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Federal Ammunition
2217.5 fps
604 ft lbs
75 Grain Hollow Point Tula Ammo
2750 fps
1260 ft lbs
55 Grain Flex Tip (FTX) Hornady Ammunition
1984.5 fps
487 ft lbs
75 Grain Hollow Point Black Hills Ammunition
2750 fps
1259 ft lbs
69 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Prvi Partizan Ammunition
2223 fps
759 ft lbs
55 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Black Hills Ammunition
3250 fps
1270 ft lbs
60 Grain Polymer Tipped Black Hills Ammunition
2295 fps
705 ft lbs
53 Grain V-MAX Hornady Ammunition
2621.5 fps
811 ft lbs
75 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Hornady Ammunition
2240.5 fps
837.5 ft lbs
77 Grain Open Tip Match PMC Ammunition
2240.5 fps
860 ft lbs
69 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Federal Ammunition
2218.5 fps
756.5 ft lbs
73 Grain Flex Tip (FTX) Hornady Ammunition
1998 fps
650.5 ft lbs
62 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Federal Ammunition
2074.5 fps
596.5 ft lbs
77 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Federal Ammunition
2148 fps
790.5 ft lbs
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The Reviews

Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 1000rds – 223 Rem Fiocchi 55gr. FMJBT Ammo

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  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Walter smith

    Haven't shot any yet. But ordering and delivery were very good.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Sheriff Mike Pigg

    The shipping was very fast and it came in a nondescript box just as was specified. It looks like good quality ammunition and I look forward to shooting it in the very near future. I will most definitely continue to do business with Ammo To Go. I highly recommend the company!

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Daniel Bradshaw

    Ive whent through over a 1000 of this and Amrscore ammunition had only one failure to fire very clean ammo

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Daniel Bradshaw

    Ive whent through over a 1000 of this and Amrscore ammunition had only one failure to fire very clean ammo

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Rob Carbine

    I saw a review that said this was dirty. I only ran 100 rounds through, but when I cleaned my gun, it was not dirty at all. I would say this is high quality AND clean.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Donald Oswald

    better then I expected no problem with shipping or shooting this ammo I will buy more

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Jeff Johnson

    I have had very good luck with Fiocchi .223. In some of my carbines groups hover around 1" to 1.5" inch 5 shot groups at 100 yards. Very good performance for bulk grade .223 in a chrome lined barrel...

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by scott the shot

    My ammo drops the ball at 350 yards. Would like to give
    a good 5 starts but dirty
    and drops off at 500

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by echotron

    I have had Very Good experience with Fiocchi ammo ... I believe they are in the process of building plant in US.

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