1000rds – 9mm Remington Range 124gr. FMJ Ammo


14 In stock

1000rds – 9mm Remington Range 124gr. FMJ Ammo Details

This is your 9mm target ammo. There’s just one problem with it. It’s in our warehouse. See where we’re going with this? We gotta ship you your Remington Range ammo today so you can start marching bullets through the dead centers of bullseyes!

Whichever kind of 9mm firearm you’re shopping for, these Arkansas-made beauties ought to work just fine in it. The 9mm’s middleweight 124 grain bullet achieves a subsonic muzzle velocity out of a 4” barrel, so you can look forward to a slightly softer report (especially if you’ve got a suppressor). The full metal jacket bullet’s economical design prohibits terminal expansion, although it does give you the smooth feeding and inability to attract a magnet you need to enjoy target practice at any pistol range.

Remington’s propellant sparks up clean, and it also produces consistent velocities over a broad range of temperatures. Their Kleanbore primers have protected guns against corrosion for decades, and their new brass cases reload great. Get your case of 20 boxes before some other chump beats you to it!

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