20rds – 357 Magnum Speer Gold Dot 158gr. JHP Ammo


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20rds – 357 Magnum Speer Gold Dot 158gr. JHP Ammo Details

If you carry a pistol, you want a round that you can trust. Why not choose one that countless law enforcement professionals from across the country have put to the test already? You can do precisely that if you invest in this 357 Magnum cartridge by Speer, which features its manufacturer’s state of the art Gold Dot projectile.

This round’s 158 grain bullet features an electrochemically fused copper jacket and lead alloy core. By virtue of its application the jacket is all but inseparable from its core, enabling it to pass through obstinate urban barriers without shedding practically any of its weight in the process. The Gold Dot’s hollow point nose cavity is carefully engineered to deliver expansion in a controlled, measured fashion in order to maximize its terminal effect.

You can expect your Gold Dot ammunition to weather humidity like a champ, because its nickel plated casing is highly resistant to corrosion. Nickel’s superior lubricity further facilitates feeding into and ejection out of a revolver’s cylinder or a semi-automatic’s chamber.
  • Product Type
  • Manufacturer
  • Condition
  • Bullet Weight
    158 Grain
  • Use Type
    Self Defense
  • Casing Type
    Nickel-Plated Brass
  • Quantity
  • Ammo Caliber
    357 Magnum
  • Manufacturer SKU
  • Primer Type
  • Muzzle Velocity
  • Muzzle Energy
  • UPC Barcode
  • Cost Per Round

Gel test Results

In hopes of giving ourselves and our customers a better idea how this 357 Magnum self-defense ammo would perform if called upon in a self-defense scenario, we tested dozens of the best selling hollow points on the market.

We fired five rounds of this Speer 357 Magnum ammo through a cloth barrier into Clear Ballistics calibrated synthetic gelatin and recorded the results. For these tests, we used a S&W 640 with a -inch barrel. In the photos, graphics and video on this page, you can see specifically how the Speer ammo performed and how it sticks up with the rest of the 357 Magnum ammo we have tested so far.

To read more about our testing procedures and discover what round makes the best self-defense ammo for you head to this page.

Unfired versus Fired Round Comparison

Image detailing before and after firing 20rds – 357 Magnum Speer Gold Dot 158gr. JHP Ammo Image detailing before and after firing 20rds – 357 Magnum Speer Gold Dot 158gr. JHP Ammo

How do the results for this Speer 357 Magnum compare to other Speer Ammo?

20rds – 357 Magnum Speer Gold Dot 158gr. JHP Ammo Gel Test Results

Bullet Depth (in.) 24.5 39.5 41.5 41.5 41.7
Expanded Diameter (in.) 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Bullet Weight after shot (gr.) 157.8 158.8 158.8 159 159.2
Bullet Velocity (fps) 1013 1028 1046 1050 1078

The Reviews

Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 20rds – 357 Magnum Speer Gold Dot 158gr. JHP Ammo

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