20rds – 6.5 Grendel Barnes VOR-TX 115gr. TAC-TX BT Ammo


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20rds – 6.5 Grendel Barnes VOR-TX 115gr. TAC-TX BT Ammo Details

For many hunters the TAC-TX BT bullet is a no-brainer. They hunt where lead bullets have been ixnayed by the authorities, and the TAC-TX BT doesn’t contain a single atom of lead. But even if you don’t have to answer to authorities which banned lead, this round’s solid copper hunting bullet has a ton to offer.

The TAC-TX BT promotes great accuracy before it has even left the barrel. The monolithic bullet possesses multiple pressure-relieving grooves, each of which helps to minimize the contact its shank makes with the barrel. And wherever the TAC-TX BT does touch the rifling, it won’t deposit lead there. Once the TAC-TX clears the muzzle, its sharp polymer tip and boat tail begin working to reduce air resistance while simultaneously minimizing drag. And because the TAC-TX BT’s weight is evenly distributed by design, it remains well-balanced over impressively long distances.

Another blessing of copper is its weight retention. The ductile metal withstands high-velocity impact with hide and deep penetration through dense muscle tissue without undergoing significant fragmentation, so it conserves enough momentum to inflict a deep wound channel. The TAC-TX BT’s polymer tip additionally serves to catalyze 2x terminal expansion, which takes the shape of four lethal cutting petals.

Barnes loads their lead-free hunting bullets in the state of Utah with American-made components, including reloadable brass cases. This ammunition is incompatible with 6.5 Creedmoor rifles.
  • Product Type
  • Manufacturer
  • Condition
  • Bullet Weight
  • Bullet Type
    Solid Copper
  • Use Type
    Boar Hunting, Deer Hunting
  • Casing Type
  • Quantity
  • Ammo Caliber
    6.5 Grendel
  • Manufacturer SKU
  • Primer Type
  • Muzzle Velocity
  • Muzzle Energy
  • UPC Barcode
  • Cost Per Round

The Reviews

Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 20rds – 6.5 Grendel Barnes VOR-TX 115gr. TAC-TX BT Ammo

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  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Raymond Eldridge

    It did fire accurately but very hard to extract, I did not see ant issue with the case and the other ammo I used immediately after did not have the sam issue. The 3 shot group was under an inch but nervous about further use

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