20rds – 7mm Mauser Sellier & Bellot 140gr. FMJ Ammo


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20rds – 7mm Mauser Sellier & Bellot 140gr. FMJ Ammo Details

The 7mm Mauser cartridge was adopted by Spain for military use one year after its introduction in 1892. The US would receive an unwelcome primer on the round’s brutal efficacy during the Spanish-American War -- Teddy Roosevelt himself was likely unnerved (although he never would have shown it) by the long, rounded bullets as they went z-z-z-z-ZMM over his head.

Although now obsolete for military use, the 7mm Mauser’s flat trajectory and good recoil make it still very much fun to shoot. Whether you’re planning a range day or would like to sharpen up your aim in anticipation of hunting season, you’ll enjoy this round by Magtech. Its 140 grain bullet wears the full metal jacket required to prevent undue barrel leading, and its brand new brass casing exhibits Magtech’s characteristic reputation for great quality and accordingly deserves to be reloaded several times. Magtech’s non-corrosive Boxer primer will spark right up no matter the hammer that kisses it, and their propellant is evenly measured to ensure consistent performance.

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