20rds – 7mm Remington Magnum Ammo Inc. Hunt LR 154gr. SST Ammo


148 In stock

Ammo Incorporated 154 Grain SST Ammo Details

Why do we love Manitowoc, Wisconsin? Is it because a piece of Sputnik 4 crashed there in 1960? Is it because it is home of the Wisconsin Maritime Museum? Is it the city’s world-class lodging, dining and entertainment? Partly, yes. But we also love Manitowoc because Ammo Inc. loads proper 7mm Remington Magnum hunting ammunition there – complete with Hornady’s state-of-the-art Super Shock Tip bullets.

This round’s SST boasts a G1 BC of 0.525. (In other words, the numerical measurement of the bullet’s ability to overcome frontal air resistance is high.) The SST’s low-drag polymer tip, secant ogive profile and boat tail obviously won’t make you a better marksman, but they all ensure you’ll hit what you’re (actually) aiming at.

The SST is one tough cookie. Hornady’s patented InterLock ring locks the jacket and core together tightly. So too does the SST’s cannelure, which further embeds the jacket into the core. The SST’s polymer tip remains functional after impact. That’s when it drives into the core like a wedge to elicit deadly expansion.

The good men and women of Manitowoc load these deer and elk smokers with new and reloadable brass cases, very clean-burning propellant, and love.
  • Manufacturer
    Ammo Incorporated
  • Bullet Weight
    154 Grain
  • Bullet Type
  • Casing Type
  • Primer Type
  • Manufacturer SKU
  • Muzzle Velocity
  • Muzzle Energy

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Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 20rds – 7mm Remington Magnum Ammo Inc. Hunt LR 154gr. SST Ammo

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