25rds – 10 Gauge Winchester Super-X 2-7/8" Blank Ammo


84 In stock

25rds – 10 Gauge Winchester Super-X 2-7/8" Blank Ammo Details

Are you training a younger shooter who’s not quite ready to wield the destructive potential of a shotgun? Are you filming a movie and would rather bank on classic, practical effects than toil over your footage in post? Do you just want to have a little fun making loud bangs? Then this blank 10 Gauge shell is going to serve you just right!

We’d normally boast about the quality of a shell’s shot in its description, but this shell’s defining feature is that it has no shot. It is loaded with old-fashioned black powder, however, so it will produce a loud report and a satisfying puff of smoke when it’s fired. (Filmmakers and historical reenactors take note -- that’s a kind of powder the cowboys could have used, making this shell’s simulated performance period appropriate.) This shell ignites its powder with Winchester’s intensely reliable 209 primer.

Please consider a couple pieces of our advice before you order. First, make sure that you always treat a blank like it is live ammunition. Even without a projectile, a blank is capable of inflicting tremendous damage at close range. Second, note that this is a 10 Gauge shell. It will not work in a 12 Gauge, 16 Gauge, 20 Gauge, 28 Gauge, 32 Gauge, or 410 Bore shotgun. What it will work beautifully in, however, is a 10 Gauge shotgun!
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  • Ammo Caliber
    10 Gauge
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