25rds – 410 Bore Browning BPT Performance Target 2-1/2" 1/2oz. #8 Shot Ammo


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25rds – 410 Bore Browning BPT Performance Target 2-1/2" 1/2oz. #8 Shot Ammo Details

Are you looking for the most powerful shotgun ammunition for sporting clays and other target sports on the face of the earth? Don’t look here! These are itty-bitty 2-1/2” 410 Bore shells, which are meant for shooters who prefer skill and finesse while they’re turning clays into bits and pieces.

Browning loads each one of these rounds with 1/2 ounces of #8 shot. The pellets are primarily made of lead, but also a fair bit of antimony – another heavy metal which makes the shot too hard to undergo significant deformation. The hinged wad which pushes the shot down the barrel further serves to prevent deformation, and it also helps to offset some of the recoil energy generated by this little round’s impressively high 1,300 fps muzzle velocity. Expect a narrow pattern and long effective range while you’re popping these shells off at the range!

This ammo is loaded with noncorrosive primers and clean-burning powder, as well as reloadable hulls. The hulls’ smooth exteriors will help any shotgun to spit out empties with all due reliability.
  • Manufacturer
  • Bullet Weight
    1/2 oz.
  • Bullet Type
    #8 Shot
  • Manufacturer SKU
  • Muzzle Velocity
  • Shot Material

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