30rds - .223 Federal American Eagle AE223AF 55gr. FMJBT Ammo on Strippers


30rds - .223 Federal American Eagle AE223AF 55gr. FMJBT Ammo on Strippers Details

This is .223 Federal American Eagle AE223AF 55gr. Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail Ammo on Strippers. This ammo comes packed with three 10 round stripper clips, and is manufactured using Federal Mil-Spec brass and bullets. This ammo has sealed primers and a 55gr. cannelured bullet. It is brass cased, boxer primed, and non-corrosive. This ammo is packed on 10rd. USGI stripper clips and comes packed 30rds. per box.

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Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 30rds - .223 Federal American Eagle AE223AF 55gr. FMJBT Ammo on Strippers

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  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Milt

    I'm retired military, so this is the type of ammo I am used to working with. In a good rifle you can drive thumb tacks at 100 yds with this stuff.

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