3rds - 12 Gauge Fin Stabilized OC Tear Gas Rocket
3rds - 12 Gauge Fin Stabilized OC Tear Gas Rocket Details
This is 12 gauge ALS Technologies Fin Stabilized OC Tear Gas Rocket. This is a direct fire 12 gauge round which fires a 125 grain, 60 durometer, OC filled rubber projectile. This round was designed for single target engagement allowing escalation of force from a safe distance prior to use of lethal means. This round was designed with the idea of multiple sensory deprivation. It first relays a pain effect with the simultaneous effect of OC powder. Upon impact with an object the rocket releases OC tear gas powder in the air, which will immediately affect the subjects breathing. This is a great way to demobilize someone or something. This ammo is packed in 3rd. packs.
Product TypeAmmo
Bullet TypeLess-Lethal
Use TypeLess Lethal
Ammo Caliber12 Gauge
Manufacturer SKUALS1216
Cost Per Round$6.65/ppr
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