5000rds - 22LR Federal Gold Medal Target 40gr. Lead Round Nose Ammo
5000rds - 22LR Federal Gold Medal Target 40gr. Lead Round Nose Ammo Details
Skip the bricks and get your match rimfire rounds the smart way with this whopping 5000-round case from Federal! Gold Medal loads are known as bonafide match-winners in a wide variety calibers and these .22 LR cartridges are no exception. Each round is carefully crafted using a factory-rolled brass casing which houses a clean-burning, non-caustic primer mixture at its base. Inside the case is a consistent measure of powder which has been lab-tested and range-proven for uniform velocity ratings. Atop the round rests a 40-grain lead round nose (LRN) projectile that has been checked over for proper shaping, weight, and dimensions.The LRN bullet bears a long, multi-band bourrelet which makes greater contact with rifling while traveling down the barrel. As a result, these rounds experience a perfectly calculated rate of spin stability which helps tighten groups downrange. Federal has been around since 1922 and is respected by shooters in all areas for decades of unfailing performance. Gold Medal Target loads undergo a more strict degree of tolerance checks and quality assurance which results in some of the finest factory-made precision ammo available.
Product TypeAmmo
Bullet Weight
Bullet TypeLead Round Nose (LRN)
Use TypeMatch Shooting, Subsonic
Casing TypeBrass
Ammo Caliber22 Long Rifle (LR)
Manufacturer SKU711B
Primer TypeRimfire
Muzzle Velocity1080
Muzzle Energy
UPC Barcode50029465057102
Cost Per Round$0.09/ppr
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