50rds – 223 Rem Fiocchi 62gr. FMJBT Ammo


168 In stock

Fiocchi Ammunition 62 Grain Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Ammo Details

You want 223 Rem ammunition? We’ve got 223 Rem ammunition! It’s Fiocchi’s Range Dynamics series ammunition, which delivers the outstandingly consistent performance any marksman needs to start grouping their shots closer than the whiskers on a mouse’s cheek!

This cartridge is rigged out with a 62 grain full metal jacket boat tail bullet. If the number 62 makes your shooter sense start tingling, don’t worry – this is not M855 ammunition, and its bullets accordingly contain zero steel that could attract a magnet. You can take this ammo to any range that no-nos magnetic ammo and expect the rangemaster to give you two thumbs up. He might even smile. The FMJBT naturally has a tapered base that limits in-flight drag to ensure a more level trajectory, and it has also got a pretty impressively concentric jacket that keeps its balance on point.

Fiocchi doesn’t mess around with once-fired brass. Their cartridges are all adorned with freshly drawn, tapered and inspected reloadable cases, and their Boxer primers won’t produce a single corrosive substance on ignition. And as a limited time offer, we pledge to eat one peanut M&M for every box of this American-made ammo we sell!

The Reviews

Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 50rds – 223 Rem Fiocchi 62gr. FMJBT Ammo

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  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Pat

    1-7 twist I found these to be outstandingly accurate out of my bolt gun. Don’t know what people are complaining about. My $350 rifle will put these in .75 at 100 yards. I love this ammo

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by JAMES HOGAN

    I think this round is a very good round for the price and for what it does at a hundred yards close quarter target what can I say I'm happy with it if you tried I'm pretty sure you will be too

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by mike heffner

    These rounds do just what they are intended to do. 100yds or less 62gr 1x9 twist close quarters. I do not understand how you would expect more at this price. It would be a real shock to find quality match ammo at this price. What you have is good plinking ammo at a good plinking price. It kind of like trying to turn a midrange carbine into a sniper rifle. One is whiskey the other wine.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by James Mahan

    This is good functioning ammo, in 200 rnds I didn't have a single misfeed/misfire from my M4, but as stated before it is not particularly accurate and is a bit dirty - although nowhere as bad as the cheap stuff from prior soviet bloc manufacturer's. If it wasn't for the accuracy problem I would recommend this as plinking or practice ammo, but you can't use it to zero or sight in a rifle. Good enough if you just want to plink or 'spray & pray'.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Daniel King

    Like previously stated these cycled perfectly but they were terribly inaccurate. Was shooting a M4 carbine 1/9 twist with a 9x scope @200 yards off a rest and i couldn't even get the group consistently on paper. I honestly was shooting over 1 foot groups. I thought it was me or my rifle so i tried some cheap wolf for the first time ever outta this rifle and instantly shot 2-3" groups. Never tried them @100 yards but i wouldn't expect much!

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Kim Foster

    Functioning was 100% but accuracy was poor. 5 shot groups averaged almost 4 inches @ 100 yards. PMC and Fed AE was much better. This was with a BCM AR-15 & 6X Weaver scope.

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