50rds – 223 Rem Hornady Frontier 55gr. FMJ Ammo


142 In stock

Hornady Ammunition 55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo Details

We’d never disparage any of the fine foreign companies that supply 223 Rem ammunition to the United States. They’re doing God’s work. But we’re also Americans, which means a sizeable percentage of our brains is dedicated to feeling good whenever we buy American-made 223 Rem ammo.

This is Hornady Frontier. Its bullets are made in Nebraska. It’s loaded at the U.S. gummint’s Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Missouri. It’s only slightly more American than apple pie.

Any AR lover will enjoy pounding this ammo’s 55 grain full metal jacket projectiles into range targets. This ammo is obviously not M193 spec by sheer virtue of the fact that it’s 223 Rem, although its recoil and point of aim are pretty much oranges-to-oranges the same as the military’s standard 5.56x45 cartridge. 24” barrel + 1.5” sight height + 200-yard zero = -7.17” drop at 300 yards.

Lake City manufactured this ammo’s cases in their usual fashion. They are new, reloadable, and annealed (i.e. heat treated). They only appear to have been reloaded because Lake City does not polish their cases after heat-treating them. Lake City loaded these rounds with noncorrosive Boxer primers, which are indeed crimped.

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Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 50rds – 223 Rem Hornady Frontier 55gr. FMJ Ammo

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