50rds – 44 Mag Sellier & Bellot 240gr. SJHP Ammo


162 In stock

50rds – 44 Mag Sellier & Bellot 240gr. SJHP Ammo Details

The 44 Magnum is not the sort of revolver you carry if you like to be uncertain whether you’ve got sufficient firepower to end a fight. Nevertheless, it’s important to have the right kind of cartridge in your cylinder regardless of how imposing your pistol might be. Chamber these loads by Sellier & Bellot and nothing on two legs could pose an insurmountable obstacle to you.

This round sports a 240 grain projectile. A semi-jacketed hollow point, it boasts not only the ability to penetrate obstinate obstacles such as thick fabric and wallboard with ease, but also the ability to expand rapidly as it burrows through a soft target. It’s sort of a “last word” kind of bullet.

This cartridge’s non-corrosive Boxer primer will stay ready to spark to life at a moment’s notice for eons, and along with its clean burning propellant will treat your revolver gingerly. Sellier & Bellot’s brass casings possess the concentricity and straight walls required for fast feeding and ejection, and are also reloadable.

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    Most accurate 44mag ammo I have found

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