50rds – 45 ACP Speer LE Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo


134 In stock

50rds – 45 ACP Speer LE Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo Details

The police do a lot in their line of work, including going into places that no one else ever would. They sign up for it, they train for it, and above all they’re prepared for it. That’s why the police so often prefer Speer’s Law Enforcement line of ammunition for the job ahead.

Uncertainty is always a given when you have to draw your weapon. At least with this 45 ACP round you’ll have less trouble from barriers. The Gold Dot was the first handgun projectile to feature a bonded core. As its preprogrammed hollow point nose cavity expands, this bullet’s jacket and core remain fused together. The result is that it loses less than one 100th of its weight in bare gelatin and through steel plating alike. The Gold Dot is also highly accurate thanks to its concentric jacket, and expands up to over 1.5 times its starting diameter.

Both jet engines and brass casings alike benefit from corrosion resistant nickel. The shiny plating also facilitates cycling in a semi-automatic weapon. This round’s CCI primer is non-corrosive, and doesn’t use mercuric initiator mixes -- along with its clean burning propellant, this round will keep your firearm cleaner until you can get back home.
  • Product Type
  • Manufacturer
  • Condition
  • Bullet Weight
  • Use Type
    Self Defense, Subsonic
  • Casing Type
    Nickel-Plated Brass
  • Quantity
  • Ammo Caliber
    45 ACP (Auto)
  • Manufacturer SKU
  • Primer Type
  • Muzzle Velocity
  • Muzzle Energy
  • UPC Barcode
  • Cost Per Round

Gel test Results

We tested this Speer 45 ACP (Auto) ammo by firing five rounds with a Ruger SR45 with a -inch barrel into calibrated Clear Ballistics gelatin. Of those five rounds, we discovered the ammo penetrated an average of 14.3-inches into the gelatin. Our test rounds ended the test with an average expanded diameter of 0.676-inches, retaining 100% of the projectile's original weight.

On this page, you'll see video of our tests including photographs that detail the ammunition before/after firing it through a four-layer barrier into gelatin. Also, you'll see how this Speer 45 ACP (Auto) ammunition stacks up compared to other self-defense rounds in 45 ACP (Auto).

To read more about our testing procedures and processes, please head here.

Unfired versus Fired Round Comparison

Image detailing before and after firing 50rds – 45 ACP Speer LE Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo Image detailing before and after firing 50rds – 45 ACP Speer LE Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo Image detailing before and after firing 50rds – 45 ACP Speer LE Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo Image detailing before and after firing 50rds – 45 ACP Speer LE Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo

How do the results for this Speer 45 ACP (Auto) compare to other Speer Ammo?

50rds – 45 ACP Speer LE Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo Gel Test Results

Bullet Depth (in.) 12.8 13.9 14.3 14.8 15.7
Expanded Diameter (in.) 0.64 0.65 0.68 0.7 0.71
Bullet Weight after shot (gr.) 229.1 229.1 230 230 230
Bullet Velocity (fps) 746 761 764 780 797

Speer 45 ACP (Auto) Ballistic Data

Speer 45 ACP (Auto) Ammo Details

Barrel Length inches
Ballistics Coefficient (G1)
Ballistics Coefficient (G7)
Sectional Density
Muzzle 25 yds. 50 yds. 75 yds. 100 yds.
Velocity fps 890 867 845 824 805
Energy ft lbs 404 384 365 347 331
Bullet drop inch n/a 0 -2 -7.1 -15.3

Trajectory Line Graph Speer 45 ACP (Auto)

Velocity / Energy Comparisons

Ammo Muzzle Velocity Muzzle Energy
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Sellier & Bellot Ammunition
814 fps
338.5 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Winchester Ammunition
841 fps
349 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Magtech
809 fps
334 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Fiocchi Ammunition
827 fps
350 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Remington Ammunition
817 fps
341 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) PMC Ammunition
789 fps
318 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Federal Ammunition
856 fps
374 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Tula Ammo
850 fps
369 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Blazer Brass
794 fps
322 ft lbs
185 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Federal Ammunition
899 fps
332 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Winchester Ammunition
800 fps
327 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Federal Ammunition
909 fps
422 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Wolf Ammunition
850 fps
369 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Federal Ammunition
856 fps
374 ft lbs
185 Grain Semi-Wadcutter Federal Ammunition
703 fps
203 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Speer
845 fps
365 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Remington Ammunition
853 fps
372 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Remington Ammunition
817 fps
341 ft lbs
230 Grain Total Metal Jacket (TMJ) Speer
794 fps
322 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Federal Ammunition
950 fps
460 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Blazer
808 fps
334 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Armscor Precision Ammunition
830 fps
352 ft lbs
185 Grain Flex Tip (FTX) Hornady Ammunition
936 fps
360 ft lbs
185 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Winchester Ammunition
863 fps
306 ft lbs
220 Grain Flex Tip (FTX) Hornady Ammunition
928 fps
421 ft lbs
230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Federal Ammunition
828 fps
350 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Black Hills Ammunition
950 fps
460 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Federal Ammunition
819 fps
343 ft lbs
185 Grain Solid Copper Hollow Point (SCHP) Barnes Bullets
944 fps
366 ft lbs
230 Grain TSJ Federal Ammunition
800 fps
327 ft lbs
165 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Federal Ammunition
976 fps
349 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Winchester Ammunition
940 fps
451 ft lbs
200 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Sig Sauer
918 fps
374 ft lbs
200 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Speer
994 fps
439 ft lbs
185 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Speer
955 fps
375 ft lbs
230 Grain Total Metal Jacket (TMJ) Federal Ammunition
803 fps
329 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Hornady Ammunition
908 fps
421 ft lbs
185 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Remington Ammunition
981 fps
395 ft lbs
185 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) PMC Ammunition
836 fps
287 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Winchester Ammunition
882 fps
397 ft lbs
155 Grain Frangible Federal Ammunition
1008 fps
388 ft lbs
200 Grain Semi-Wadcutter Black Hills Ammunition
875 fps
340 ft lbs
230 Grain Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Winchester Ammunition
893 fps
408 ft lbs
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The Reviews

Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 50rds – 45 ACP Speer LE Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo

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  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by David

    Great price and availability

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Chris

    Fast and reliable service. I'll definitely be a teturning customer and highly recommend your site to everyone.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by John Hyman

    I have been using SPEER GOLD DOT 45 Caliber 230 gr JHP for years and have ZERO problems with Feeding or Ejection or Failure to Feed it has been perfectly Reliable. So I have continued to use it as my Self Defense Ammo of choice.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Gary Sebastian

    Great deal.This is the only ammo I carry in my carry weapon and have never found a better deal.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Great round

    Feeds reliably in my Sig ultra compact 1911. Great round for the money. Nice to see a good hollow point boxed in bunches of 50 for the price you would pay for half the round count. I will continue to buy Speer gold dots for all of my calibres.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Michael Bonomo

    My ammo of choice for .45 ACP. Penetrates just fine and expands reliably. Really, you don't need spectacular expansion for the round to be effective. Using +P in a .45ACP is a waste of money and just causes premature wear on the pistol. Remember...a 9MM MAY expand, a .45 ACP will NEVER shrink ;-)

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Ryan Rhodes

    Like the last review said these aren't quite as impressive as say an HST or the T-series but they are still reliable performers. I would have no problem using them but make sure they run in your pistol, I have seen several complaints about feeding problems in some 1911 pattern pistols although they seem to work fine in mine.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Robert Cochran

    They don't expand as much as others but they expand reliably. They don't penetrate as much as others but they penetrate well. They are as reliable as just about any.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Adam Pelz

    These are great... Just bought them from a local shop today for $32 per 50. Looks like I got a good deal...

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