50rds – 9mm Remington Range 115gr. FMJ Ammo


134 In stock

Remington Ammunition 115 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo Details

Marksmanship is a depreciable skill. If you don’t train regularly, you won’t just not get any better. You will get appreciably worse!

Forget that noise. Order yourself a box or 27 of Remington’s Range label 9mm ammo! These rounds’ bullets are as simple as can be, so you don’t have to spend your hard-earned dough on jacketed hollow points!

The FMJ is designed to chamber efficiently, minimize (but not eliminate) lead fouling, and fly accurately toward its target. The FMJ doesn’t deliver terminal expansion: a drawback during a self-defense scenario, but no problem at all when you’re just fighting the good fight against targets. (We like making our own out of old newspapers – we’re very artsy-craftsy here at AmmoToGo.com.)

This totally nonmagnetic and equally totally American-made ammunition features new brass cases, noncorrosive Boxer primers, and the world’s fastest shipping (when you order it today, from us).

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