9x18 MAKAROV Ammo

The 9x18 Makarov (aka 9mm Makarov, but never to be mistaken for the far more popular 9mm) is a Soviet cartridge – a replacement for their 7.62x25mm Tokarev, which they adopted in the mid 20th century. The reds mainly used this round in their Makarov PM pistol. Many Eastern Bloc countries manufactured their own pistols for 9x18 Makarov as well. Ninety-two and 95 grain full metal jacket bullets are both normal for this round, although lighter self-defense loads are also available.
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3 Items

  1. 1280rds – 9mm Makarov Arsenal 94gr. FMJ Ammo in Spam Cam 1280rds – 9mm Makarov Arsenal 94gr. FMJ Ammo in Spam Cam

    28 In Stock

    Bullet type
    Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Muzzle Energy
    Casing Type
    Muzzle Velocity
    Primer Type
    Bullet Weight
    94 Grain
  2. 25rds - 9x18 Makarov Hornady Critical Defense 95gr. FTX HP Ammo 25rds - 9x18 Makarov Hornady Critical Defense 95gr. FTX HP Ammo

    ☆☆☆☆☆ 9 Reviews

    33 In Stock

    ☆☆☆☆☆ 9 Reviews

    Bullet type
    Flex Tip (FTX)
    Muzzle Energy
    Casing Type
    Nickel-Plated Brass
    Muzzle Velocity
    Primer Type
    Bullet Weight
    95 Grain
  3. 20rds – 9mm Makarov Underwood 115gr. Hard Cast FN Ammo 20rds – 9mm Makarov Underwood 115gr. Hard Cast FN Ammo

    136 In Stock

    Bullet type
    Flat Point Round Nose (FPRN)
    Muzzle Energy
    Casing Type
    Nickel-Plated Brass
    Muzzle Velocity
    Primer Type
    Bullet Weight
    115 Grain

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Recent 9x18 MAKAROV Reviews

  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    it runs without ftf & fte in my CZ 82. it is about 950 fps with my chrono, but not all chronographs agree, altitude, temp, humidity, etc. effect results.
    Marcus C on 50rds - 9x18 Makarov Sellier & Bellot 95gr FMJ Ammo
  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    I like this ammo works great in my mak
    haldavon on 50rds - 9x18 Makarov CCI Blazer 95gr. TMJ Ammo
  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    Some of the shooting ranges only allow brass casings. So being a steel casing they have not allowed this bullet- but I have shot over 1000 rounds of these through a Bulgarian P-63 without a single issue. Could be me, but 3.5" - 4" groups at 25 yards is double the size what I get with some of my other hand guns. But the gun cycles these fine and the bullets have all worked fine- ammunitiontogo was quick with dleivery and a decent price
    MN Shooter on 9mm Makarov - 94 Grain FMJ - Wolf WPA Polyformance - 1000 Rounds
  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    Shoot a P-63. Have gone through about 75 rounds of these and over 1000 rounds of the Wolf 94gr FMJ and have not had issue with either. These Hornaday rounds do shoot a tighter group by nearly an inch @ 25 yards
    MN shooter on 25rds - 9x18 Makarov Hornady Critical Defense 95gr. FTX HP Ammo