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Pistol Ammo
Rifle Ammo

Recent Pistol Ammo Reviews

  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    Love the fact that this ammo burns for the first 18 inches. Does not work well for night shooting due to flash blindness from flash.
    Mike lambert on 1000rds – 9mm IMI 115gr. FMJ Ammo
  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    I have used this round on hogs and two deer, I stopped 2 different hogs running, shooting from a airboat, one deer was shot at a angle and it went in in front of a hindquarter and came out the second rib back on the off side
    Howard on 500rds – 5.7x28mm Fiocchi 40gr. Polymer Tip Ammo
  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    Love this ammo because it’s light and it shoots flawlessly in both my Beretta 30 X Beretta 3032 bobcat.
    Troy S on 50rds – 32 ACP Blazer 71gr. FMJ Ammo
  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    Fast shipping! Purchased 32 S&W, this is the only place that has reasonably priced 32 S&W. Ran 25 rounds thru a Iver Johnson break open. Worked great!
    Joe on 50rds - 32 S&W (Short) MAGTECH 85gr. Lead Round Nose Ammo