460 S&W Ammo
The 460 S&W Magnum: the highest-velocity revolver round in the world, albeit not the most powerful currently in production (that distinction belongs to the 500 S&W Magnum). Bullet weights for the super magnum cartridge typically range from 200 to around 400 grains. All of them invariably leave a big mark. Expect a 200 to 400 fps muzzle velocity boost if you’re firing a lever-action rifle instead of a revolver.
20rds - 460 S&W Mag Hornady 200gr. FTX Ammo
3 In Stock
20rds – 460 S&W Mag Sellier & Bellot 255gr. JHP Ammo
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20rds - 460 S&W Mag Winchester 250gr. Super-X Reduced Recoil HP Ammo
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