Alice Jones Webb

Alice Jones Webb
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Alice Jones Webb

Alice Jones Webb is a writer, long-time hunter, experienced shooter, and mother of 4 up-and-coming outdoor enthusiasts. She grew up flinging arrows and bullets at Virginia whitetails, turkey, and game birds, although her favorite hunting experience is chasing bull elk in the Colorado back country. She is also a self-defense instructor and competitive archer. Alice currently resides in rural North Carolina with her children, non-hunting husband, and a well-stocked chest freezer.

Author's Posts

32 ACP for Self-Defense

32 ACP for Self-Defense

The recent rise of pocket pistol popularity has left plenty of shooters wondering about the merits of smaller caliber cartridges for home defense. 32 ACP fits this mold. It’s fairly small and easy to conceal but does it pack enough defensive power to make 32 ACP for self-defense a good choice? Looking to buy 32 […]

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