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Brandon brings several decades of shooting experience and has been a part of the team since the Obama-era. He's part of the in-house product knowledge team and is passionate about helping shooters identify the rounds and other defense products they need as well as learn how to effectively use them.

Author's Posts

30-30 vs. 30-06

30-30 vs. 30-06

30-06 vs. 30-30, two tried-and-true rifle cartridges are commonly found in the field. Let’s examine these two calibers and see the pros and cons of each as well as why you might opt for one in your arsenal over the other.

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Clint Eastwood Guns in Movies

Clint Eastwood Guns in Movies

Few people have had as much success in, and as much influence on, American cinema as Clint Eastwood. He found his breakthrough playing a quiet, dangerous, and clever drifter in Sergio Leone’s spaghetti westerns, and has given American pop culture (especially gun owners) some of its most famous movie quotes while also becoming a highly […]

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357 Sig vs. 357 Magnum – What’s the Difference?

357 Sig vs. 357 Magnum – What’s the Difference?

357 Magnum vs. 357 SIG: These two calibers sound similar and while the performance can be about the same, they have very different uses. 357 magnum is a classic revolver round, while the other is a modern semiautomatic cartridge. Understanding the differences can make you a better gun owner and user.

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Gun Laws vs. Knife Laws

Gun Laws vs. Knife Laws

A quick guide to gun laws vs. knife laws in the United States. This article explores how knife and gun restrictions differ and the many ways they are similarly regulated with intense complication based on the city and state you live.

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Guns John Wayne Used in Movies

Guns John Wayne Used in Movies

John Wayne’s career in film is undeniably the stuff of legend. While he had the pleasure of working alongside some of Hollywood’s leading ladies of his generation, he also had a hand on some iconic firearms throughout his career. In this article, we take a look at some of John Wayne’s guns in his movies.

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