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Brandon brings several decades of shooting experience and has been a part of the team since the Obama-era. He's part of the in-house product knowledge team and is passionate about helping shooters identify the rounds and other defense products they need as well as learn how to effectively use them.

Author's Posts

7.62×51 vs. 7.62×39

7.62×51 vs. 7.62×39

The 7.62x51mm and 7.62x39mm cartridges might be similar in caliber size, but they are two very different rounds. To help you understand the differences, it helps to know the history and the performance of the 7.62×51 vs. 7.62×39 cartridge.

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What Are TMJ and BEB Bullets?

What Are TMJ and BEB Bullets?

TMJ bullets and BEB bullets seem to be getting more and more popular among American shooters. Both bullet types offer potentially less lead exposure than a traditional full metal jacket round and could be a great option for your next range training trip.

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12 Gauge vs. 20 Gauge

12 Gauge vs. 20 Gauge

It’s a common debate, especially among first-time shotgun buyers. Should you go with a 12 gauge or a 20 gauge shotgun? In this article, let’s look at the benefits of each caliber and why you might select one over the other.

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What is MOA and How to Use It

What is MOA and How to Use It

If you participate in target shooting or hunting with a scope, you need to understand MOA or minute-of-angle. This number can help you understand a rifle’s accuracy, and it’s also important if you want to “zero in” a scope. It might seem complex, but this is actually a simple measurement that makes shooting more fun and rewarding.

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What is a Wadcutter?

What is a Wadcutter?

A darling of a bullet among competition shooters, this article lays out what exactly a wadcutter bullet is and why you might consider shooting them.;

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