A look at the popular IDPA 5×5 Classifier shooting drill along with some tips and the reasons this drill is helpful for shooters looking to practice for self-defense situations.
Ball and Dummy Drill – Overcoming Recoil Anticipation
Flinching can have some serious negative effects on our shooting abilities. When you anticipate recoil, you can inadvertently tighten your grip, push the gun forward, break or flip the wrist up or down, or snatch the trigger. Thankfully, the classic Ball and Dummy Drill can help remedy this problem.
Bill Drill – Rapid, Accurate Follow-Up Shots
A look at the infamous Bill Drill. We’ll show you how to do the drill at your shooting range and share what it can help you improve as part of your shooting skill set.
El Presidente Drill – Assessing Your Shooting Skills
All about the El Presidente drill. This article shows you how to shoot it and explains what it can help you improve in your shooting skills.
The Wall Drill – Developing Focus and Trigger Control
An easy to follow guide that shows you how to do The Wall Drill to get the most from your dry fire training.
224 Valkyrie – Caliber Overview
An in-depth look at the relatively young 224 Valkyrie caliber. This caliber guide should give you a good feel for the cartridge’s capability and if it’s a good fit for what you need in a rifle.
Finding the Best First Handgun
What you should look for when trying to find the best first handgun to buy. We’ll take you through the traits and also give you some concrete recommendations.
Sight Alignment and Sight Picture – How to Get Shots on Target
Sight alignment and sight picture are two things the firearms training community pushes all the time. Are you paying enough attention to these fundamentals? If not, it’s an easy way to improve your shooting quickly.