1000rds - 223 Tula 55gr. FMJ Ammo

Tula Ammo 55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo Details

This is newly manufactured .223 Tula 55 grain, full metal jacket ammo. This bulk ammo has the polymer steel case and is non-corrosive. Russian made by The Tula Cartridge Works, this is good plinking ammo and among the most economical range training rounds you can find. It has a magnetic bi-metal jacket. It comes packed in 20 round boxes with 50 boxes per case.

Tula Ammo 223 Remington Ballistic Data

Tula Ammo 223 Remington Ammo Details

Barrel Length inches
Ballistics Coefficient (G1)
Ballistics Coefficient (G7)
Sectional Density
Muzzle 100 yds. 200 yds. 300 yds. 400 yds. 500 yds.
Velocity fps 3241 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Energy ft lbs 1283 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Bullet drop inch n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Velocity / Energy Comparisons

Ammo Muzzle Velocity Muzzle Energy
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Federal Ammunition
2379 fps
694 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Fiocchi Ammunition
2298 fps
648.5 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Tula Ammo
3241 fps
1283 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) PMC Ammunition
2336.5 fps
669.5 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Hornady Ammunition
2298 fps
648.5 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Wolf Ammunition
3250 fps
1290 ft lbs
77 Grain Hollow Point Black Hills Ammunition
2175 fps
810.5 ft lbs
55 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Winchester Ammunition
2298 fps
648.5 ft lbs
62 Grain Hollow Point Tula Ammo
3025 fps
1260 ft lbs
50 Grain V-MAX Fiocchi Ammunition
2342.5 fps
612.5 ft lbs
40 Grain V-MAX Fiocchi Ammunition
2432 fps
529 ft lbs
55 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Federal Ammunition
2203 fps
597 ft lbs
75 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Speer
2234 fps
832.5 ft lbs
77 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Fiocchi Ammunition
2153 fps
794.5 ft lbs
62 Grain Fusion Federal Ammunition
2280.5 fps
718.5 ft lbs
75 Grain Hollow Point Wolf Ammunition
0 fps
0 ft lbs
55 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Federal Ammunition
2217.5 fps
604 ft lbs
75 Grain Hollow Point Tula Ammo
2750 fps
1260 ft lbs
55 Grain Flex Tip (FTX) Hornady Ammunition
1984.5 fps
487 ft lbs
75 Grain Hollow Point Black Hills Ammunition
2750 fps
1259 ft lbs
69 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Prvi Partizan Ammunition
2223 fps
759 ft lbs
55 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Black Hills Ammunition
3250 fps
1270 ft lbs
60 Grain Polymer Tipped Black Hills Ammunition
2295 fps
705 ft lbs
53 Grain V-MAX Hornady Ammunition
2621.5 fps
811 ft lbs
75 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Hornady Ammunition
2240.5 fps
837.5 ft lbs
77 Grain Open Tip Match PMC Ammunition
2240.5 fps
860 ft lbs
69 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Federal Ammunition
2218.5 fps
756.5 ft lbs
73 Grain Flex Tip (FTX) Hornady Ammunition
1998 fps
650.5 ft lbs
62 Grain Soft-Point (SP) Federal Ammunition
2074.5 fps
596.5 ft lbs
77 Grain Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Federal Ammunition
2148 fps
790.5 ft lbs
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The Reviews

Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 1000rds - 223 Tula 55gr. FMJ Ammo

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  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by ed

    As soon as the barrel heated up on my M&P problems started. Failure to eject and then finally one stuck in the barrel.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Josef Bidenskov

    Of the steel cased foreign made ammo the only brand I have ever had problems with has been Tula in 7.62X39. Yep, it goes bang but many lots are so obviously inconsistently loaded that you can HEAR the difference between different rounds.....and of course your groupings expand greatly. The stuff that Century has a hand in importing called Red Army Standard is merely Tula repackaged so.....
    In .223 I have heard generally good reports. Strange but from several different people it seems to be a good range/practice round. I personally have had good luck with Tula in pistol calibers, specifically 9mm.....my Glock 19 and 26 gobble em up and they group decently and of course they are inexpensive rounds to shoot.
    I feel that a lot of the bad reviews of any steel cased ammo is similar to old reviews of Glocks when they were first introduced. As late as 1989 I fell into that category when one Christmas the wife gifted me an early Gen2 Glock 19.....I put on the usual act of course with the "oh, honey, this is so wonderful, Ive heard so much about these guns"....yadda yadda yadda. The gun sat in my safe mostly untouched while the BS stories about the guns being invisible to airport X-ray went through the media and common talk........that started me taking another look as there is a LOT of metal in a Glock which would of course be very visible on any xray...so I started practicing and running that old 19 and started a passionate affair with the gun that was exhibited by the usual buying of extended this and thats and installing trigger upgrades.....the gamut. I still have and use that old Glock 19, it still runs like a swiss watch and with its latest add on, a trigger pack made perfect by Johnny Glock......well, I had become pretty good with that old Glock and two others but I got even better by the incredible work Johnny Glock can do with a trigger group.
    Anyway, that old "plastic gun POS" bull crap is now almost forgotten but the "all steel cased ammo is horribly innacurate, lots of failures to fire and function, wears out your chamber and barrel"......all of it largely BS pure and simple by people that still believe that the 1911 is by far the finest gun ever made by Gods hands themselves and not the obsolete overweight limited capacity gun of yore that it actually is.
    Try the stuff and decide yourself. My guess is that you will have good success simply by being able to afford to practice more.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Jeffrey Ficker

    No problems with service or delivery ever with ATG. However, this ammo, because it's coated, hands up on the barrel when it gets warm /hot, and will not eject. Otherwise it shoots well and holds good groups. I only have two stars for the ammo! ATG always gets five stars from me! I'm going to switch to a different ammo.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Roger

    I like this ammo because it is cheap. Bought 1000 last year of 62 gr hp. Had some issues of stuck cases. I found that if I used a spray or liquid dry silicon lube on the cases and let them dry they fed and extracted fine. I then started just putting the lube on after loading the mags. That made them slip out of my metal mags easily and was good for my mags also.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Tavor Problems

    I bought 1,000 rounds and have regretted it. My tavor rips the metal apart, leaving the casing inside the bore. I have to go shooting with a steel rod to knock the random stuck round out.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Ken

    Good solid ammo

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Flood survivior

    These rounds were under 4 feet of water for 2 days. Let them air dry and wiped down with mineral oil. Had only one FTF in the two hundred that i tested. Really surprised.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by JASON

    I've been shooting these because they are cheap. So far not one malfunction. I will continue to purchase.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Mike

    Purchased 2000 rds. Worked great in 4 different weapons. I will be buying more.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Dick Powers

    I have now fired over 1000 rounds of the Tulammo 5.56 without a problem of any type. 250 plus rounds of that was with a bump stock. I will be ordering more soon.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Dick Powers

    I purchased 1000 rounds of 55 grain Tulammo and have shot a little over half of it. To date I have had no problems with this ammo. I have had no duds, no loading or ejection problems at all, 0 problems with it in my AR. Accuracy has been excellent, triple tapping holes at twenty five and fifty yards and quarter size three round groups at 100 yards. I will put it to a real test this coming week as a friend is coming over to shoot with a bump fire equipped AR. I plan to buy more of this ammo

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Alan

    Have over 4k rounds through my stock dpms oracle. Not one failure. I used to run brass then one day I decided to try steel. Maybe 1k brass and 3k steel through my rifle. Everyone makes fun of me and calls them "werewolf killers". These aren't for everyone though. Buy a few hundred to test before you drop the bank roll on them. They work for some and not others. They work for me great!

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Jim

    No issues with 250 rounds through my Ruger AR at the range.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by dale

    This stuff sucks. I never have issues with brass case in my Ar's however these steel cases get stuck in the chamber after firing. All 4 of my AR's do it. I have tried to figure out why, I swapped bolts, I have changed extractors, I even spent the money to get a failsafe BCG. same issue. some times I run a couple mags without issue than wham! a stuck case. and I have had issues with just a few rounds down the pipe. I thew away the rest of the case I had bought.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by josh karl

    first day i ran 100 rounds through. no problem, this ammo shoots great through my ar and it's cheap. will definitely be my brand to buy.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Jason

    Runs like hot butter through my Anderson, Keltec, Spikes, and Rock River. Only had issues with my DPMS.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Ben

    Only got to fire about 200 rds, No FTF or FTE. All fired perfectly.Can't be beat for the price.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Joe A

    I have shot many many rounds without a hickup. Great for the price, I can't reload for this price!

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Mark

    Never an issue my mini 14 handles it fine.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Zac

    My m&p 15 eats this ammo up no problem don't think I ever had a problem with this stuff only this is its real dirty but definitely worth shooting if you just wanna have some fun

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Klay

    Thousands of rounds through my Daniel Defense and Spikes AR15s. In response to BRADH above. Stove pipes and FTE are signs of gun problems more than ammo. Id venture to say the light primer strikes are DPMS related as well....even with another brand running OK. The cases are the right size and they are known to be slightly under pressure but all my ARs run like a sewing machine on them.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by BRADH

    I ran about 500 rounds thru my DPMS this weekend. I wanted to try the Tula in my AR15 since I have never had trouble with it in my AK's. I had alot of failures in 223, at least one per mag. FTE's, stovepipes and FTF's (barely dimpled the primer). It seemed to have a lower pressure. Really gummed up my rifle. I ran some domestic brass rounds while shooting the Tula with no issues. It's worked fine for others but I'll stick with domestic brass rounds.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Byron

    These have been 100 percent reliable in my S&W M&P 15s. Decently accurate, and no problems of any sort.

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Joe

    Cycles fine in my armalite

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