20rds – 243 Win Barnes VOR-TX 80gr. TTSX BT Ammo


12 In stock

Barnes Bullets 80 Grain TTSX Ammo Details

This 243 Win cartridge is from Barnes’ VOR-TX line of ammunition, and accordingly features its Utahn manufacturer’s Tipped Triple Shock X (TTSX) projectile. Like the original TSX, the TTSX is made entirely of copper, so it’s perfect to take hunting in The Golden State. This bullet’s monolithic construction further greatly reduces the amount of fouling it leaves behind in a rifle’s bore, and also causes practically perfect weight retention as it penetrates and expands within a target.

This bullet has got a polymer tip which heightens its accuracy and initiates instantaneous expansion on impact. As it mushrooms up to double its original diameter the TTSX produces multiple sharp petals which shred flesh and smash through bones, making it one of the last words in hunting. This bullet is also very accurate thanks to its boat tail design, which raises its ballistic coefficient to give it a flatter trajectory, better resistance against crosswinds, and greater retained downrange velocity.
  • Product Type
  • Manufacturer
  • Condition
  • Bullet Weight
    80 Grain
  • Bullet Type
  • Use Type
    Deer Hunting, Match Shooting, Range Training
  • Casing Type
  • Quantity
  • Ammo Caliber
    243 Winchester
  • Manufacturer SKU
  • Primer Type
  • Muzzle Velocity
  • Muzzle Energy
  • UPC Barcode
  • Cost Per Round

Barnes Bullets 243 Winchester Ballistic Data

Barnes Bullets 243 Winchester Ammo Details

Barrel Length inches
Ballistics Coefficient (G1)
Ballistics Coefficient (G7)
Sectional Density
Muzzle 100 yds. 200 yds. 300 yds. 400 yds. 500 yds.
Velocity fps 3350 3042 2755 2486 2232 1993
Energy ft lbs 1994 1644 1349 1098 885 706
Bullet drop inch -1.5 1.1 0 -5.7 -17.1 -35.5

Trajectory Line Graph Barnes Bullets 243 Winchester

Velocity / Energy Comparisons

The Reviews

Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 20rds – 243 Win Barnes VOR-TX 80gr. TTSX BT Ammo

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  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Mickey jordon

    Nice ammo took a 8 point buck drop in his tracks no tracking needed

  • ☆☆☆☆☆

    posted on by Derrick Toomer

    Number one deer stopping bullet.Great exit wound.

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