20rds – 45-70 Govt. Fiocchi 405gr. LRNFP Ammo




167 In stock

Fiocchi Ammunition 405 Grain Lead Round Nose (LRN) Ammo Details

Sure, the 45-70 Government’s absolutely beefy bullet may make its long range trajectory look like Enron’s stock prices circa 2001, but there’s a lot to love about the old cartridge. Just the history behind it makes it a joy to shoot -- this is a round that our army made good use of during the Spanish-American War, and lord knows how many settlers put bison on their families’ dinner tables thanks to the 45-70 Government. If you share a certain fondness for this classic caliber, then you’re going to love how this round by Fiocchi treats your Trapdoor.

This round has the same 405 grain projectile that Springfield Armory gave it back in 1873. Its bullet is the same as the cowboys would have implemented as well: a lead round nose flat point. (The name of such a bullet may seem a bit oxymoronic, but hey -- that’s okay with us.) The bullet’s profile will benefit your antique rifle’s ability to feed reliably just like it did back when it was designed, and the wallop it packs combined with its ability to deform makes this bullet as good for target practice as it is hunting essentially any beast that roams the earth.

Even a purist will appreciate this round’s smokeless powder and non-corrosive primer. And if you handload, this box of ammo will give you the 20 brass casings you need to practice your science.
  • Product Type
  • Manufacturer
  • Condition
  • Bullet Weight
    405 Grain
  • Bullet Type
    Lead Round Nose (LRN)
  • Use Type
    Deer Hunting, Elk Hunting, Match Shooting, Range Training
  • Casing Type
  • Quantity
  • Ammo Caliber
    45-70 Government
  • Manufacturer SKU
  • Primer Type
  • Muzzle Velocity
  • Muzzle Energy
  • UPC Barcode
  • Cost Per Round

Fiocchi Ammunition 45-70 Government Ballistic Data

Fiocchi Ammunition 45-70 Government Ammo Details

Barrel Length inches
Ballistics Coefficient (G1)
Ballistics Coefficient (G7)
Sectional Density
Muzzle 100 yds. 200 yds. 300 yds. 400 yds. 500 yds.
Velocity fps 1185 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Energy ft lbs 1263 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Bullet drop inch n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

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Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 20rds – 45-70 Govt. Fiocchi 405gr. LRNFP Ammo

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