The 17 Winchester Super Magnum (aka 17 WSM) is not to be confused with the 17 HMR. The 17 WSM has very different dimensions, not to mention a centerfire primer instead of a rimfire one. This dedicated varmint slayer is usually loaded with bullets ranging in weight from 15 to 25 grains. Even its heaviest projectile achieves a muzzle velocity higher than Mach 2, which spells a laser-like trajectory that ends in varmint doom.
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  1. 50rds - 17 Win Super Mag Winchester Varmint HV 20gr. Polymer Tip Ammo 50rds - 17 Win Super Mag Winchester Varmint HV 20gr. Polymer Tip Ammo

    99 In Stock

    Bullet type
    Polymer Tipped
    Muzzle Energy
    Casing Type
    Muzzle Velocity
    Primer Type
    Bullet Weight
    20 Grain

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Rifle Ammo
Rifle Ammo

Recent 17 WIN SUPER MAG Reviews

  • ☆☆☆☆☆
    Federal American eagle 20 gr. polymer tip ammo The first time I used these I put 3 of them into 1/2 inch @ 100 yards.You might not think that to be unusual,but my new ruger was delivered with a trigger closer to 6# then it was to 5.Since attending to that I have one group of three under .300...ok so it's accurate.Lets talk about field performance.Ground squirrels were traumatically disassembled as though hit w/223.Hits were recorded out to 200 yards.What WAS unusual was that virtually ANY hit anywhere on the torso would kill almost immediately by shock...a 22 hit there would send them running!
    Robert Weth on 50rds - 17 Win Super Mag Federal American Eagle 20gr. Polymer Tip Ammo