Speer Ammo
Speer was started in 1943 by Vernon Speer, who provided hunting bullets to reloaders that needed accuracy, consistency, and performance. At the time, reloaders were having trouble finding the right components from major ammo companies, so Speer started building them himself and quickly gained a popular reputation.
While his main focus was hunting rifle bullets, he also produced jacketed bullets for handguns. In the 1960’s, Speer used his jacketed bullets to create the famous Lawman ammunition, a line that would become very common among law-enforcement officials.
Vernon had established a tradition of seeing a shooter’s needs and delivering upon that need. This remains a guiding aspect of Speer to this day.
Speer now makes an extensive selection of bullets for rifles and handguns. Each item is created to the most meticulous specifications, allowing precise results for target shootings, hunters, and anyone concerned with self defense.
Speer’s rifle bullets include options for hunting, target practice, and varmint control, while their handgun bullets cover hunting, range, and self-defense options.
The company also creates many of the components that reloaders need, including plastic bullets, shot capsules, and lead round balls. They also have a strong partnership with CCI, a provider of primers that was founded by Vernon Speer’s brother, Dick.
Speer also provides some of the finest loaded ammunition you can purchase. They not only have the famous Lawman brand, they also make Speer Gold Dot, which is a top choice for self defense use.
They also have “Lawman Clean Fire,” which has a clean and reliable ignition, creating less fouling in the barrel. This cartridge allows target shooters to take more shots without harming the barrel or reducing accuracy.
From spending an afternoon at the range to loading your own ammunition at home, Speer has the high-quality, reliable ammo you demand.
20rds – 357 SIG Speer Gold Dot 125gr. JHP Ammo
133 In Stock
1000rds - 40 S&W Speer Lawman 165gr TMJ Ammo
5 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
50rds - 9mm Speer Lawman 147gr. TMJ Ammo
151 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
50rds - 380 Auto Speer Lawman 95gr. TMJ Ammo
164 In Stock
1000rds - 380 Auto Speer Lawman 95gr. TMJ Ammo
3 In Stock
20rds – 9mm Speer Gold Dot 147gr. JHP Ammo
51 In Stock
50rds - 357 Sig Speer Lawman 125gr. TMJ Ammo
101 In Stock
1000rds - 40 S&W Speer Lawman 180gr. TMJ Ammo
12 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
50rds - 40 S&W Speer Lawman 180gr. TMJ Ammo
57 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
50rds – 9mm Speer Lawman 115gr. TMJ Ammo
145 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
1000rds - 9mm Speer Lawman 115gr. TMJ Ammo
43 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
50rds - 45 ACP Speer Lawman 230gr. TMJ Ammo
75 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
1000rds - 45 ACP Speer Lawman 230gr. TMJ Ammo
35 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
50rds - 38 Special Speer Lawman 158gr. +P TMJ Ammo
12 In Stock
Ballistic Data Available -
20rds - 380 Auto Speer Gold Dot 90gr. JHP Ammo
20rds – 45 ACP Speer Gold Dot 230gr. JHP Ammo
20rds – 45 ACP Speer Gold Dot 185gr. JHP Ammo
20rds – 25 Auto Speer Gold Dot 35gr. JHP Ammo
26 In Stock
50rds – 357 SIG Speer Gold Dot LE 125gr. JHP Ammo
90 In Stock
50rds – 380 Auto Speer LE Gold Dot 90gr. JHP Ammo